I was super psyched to catch a message from my ol' friend and colleague Matt Skallerud, who will be in Baltimore on Thursday, March 21st to share his secrets to marketing to the LGBTQ+ communities.  I met Matt years ago in what seems another life - while running my life coaching and matchmaking firm while I was living near Orlando, Florida.

Matt is a trailblazer in the marketing world.  He travels all over the United States and internationally to teach business owners and it's special to have such an expert visit Baltimore!  I was just checking out his Facebook page and right now he's in Berlin, Germany, no doubt helping business owners refine their marketing abilities.

Matt was one of the first to build a successful business on the internet, called Gay Wired. This was back in the day when gay folk finally had safe spaces to connect.  Then he sold it and continued on to make waves in the industry.

Sponsoring this seminar and networking event is the Maryland LGBT Chamber of Commerce!  I plan to attend.

Matt will share the most cutting edge ideas and strategies, because he created some of them!  Seriously, if you market to the LGBT community or want to do so, don't miss this chance.

And I'm also excited to check out the venue for Matt's talk: Function Co-Working Space!  You know how intrigued I am with the issues of co-living, co-housing and co-working.  So this is a '3 for 1'er' for me.  Close to home enough for me to not spend too much time wasted in traffic.  And a chance to support our very own LGBT chamber.

How about you?  If you are thinking about attending, be sure to click here to learn more.