I want to welcome you to my site and my life's work. I've been honored to practice as a clinical social worker now for 30 years. And, wow, has that time flown. Why? Because my work in the community and with thousands of clients has made a significant difference. Good, honest work nourishes the soul. I truly feel I've created a 'sweet spot' kind of life.
What is 'the sweet spot'? Well, just put your senses into that phrase and you will
feel it! Sweet - meaning tasty, meaning something you want more of. But the sweet spot is not sugary and doesn't add to your waistline. This sweet spot is more substance, almost more 'meat and potatoes' with a delicious, yet small and healthy, sweet treat for dessert!
The sweet spot I am referring to is finding what makes life 'flow' for you and doing more of it.To request your initial meeting with me just call 410-967-3848.
During my 40 years as an adult and my 30 year career, the rapidly accelerating pace of complex changes - brought on by the collision of forces such as globalization, population explosion and technology - has created exciting and complicated new challenges for today's men and women.
So, as I turn towards the next chapter of my life and this career I've loved, I am heartened to find a connection again between myself and what I can offer a world in need.The challenges of living, loving and working today are interesting and immense. Whether we are talking about the unfolding demands in the workplace, finances, health, spirituality or relationships, many of us are seeking support to become the next best iteration of who we are, who we love and what we are accomplishing.
All of this excitement creates stress, anxiety and the danger of burnout.
On the personal front, I've enjoyed so much of my life. And so much of it has been a positive learning experience, even the struggles as a young gay teen in the 1970's, losing two of the great loves of my life, family challenges and building a successful life as a single woman. And because I've spent over 40 years in the workplace (going back to a paper route at age twelve), working right there alongside workers just like you AND I've coached, consulted and treated employees at all levels - including CEO's - who are facing the challenges of consistent success...
I am uniquely positioned to help you. I've been there, have experienced the stresses of today's personal and fast paced job environment, I've suffered similar stress and have had to weather it as well as I've seen so many struggling just like you, I have much wisdom to share.
So, whether you are 30, starting a family and balancing the demands of marriage, parenting and working; you're 50 and harvesting your early adulthood and it's wisdom to make the next chapter more authentic and satisfying or you are 70 and you are adjusting to working now to some degree (or not), you need to learn the skills of resilience you will be glad you have as you move along your life's journey.
I look forward to guiding you to make the most of the days you have on this planet.
Even more exciting: You too can live your 'sweet spot' life! You are unique and offer something special for your loved ones and the world itself. However, it is vital for you to first take care of yourself, so that you can be there for those you love and the experiences you most care about. At some point, all of us will need a break or a boost. You don't have to go it alone. Reach out and give yourself what you need - whether that be a new perspective, resources or solutions you couldn't have thought of on your own.
I am here for you. I run a simple, yet powerful solo practice and I take time with all of my clients. You will not be rushed and you will find our work together energizing and refreshing.I look forward to meeting you!

Barb Elgin LCSW-C