Management Counseling, Coaching and Training

A proud 'corporate dropout' herself, Barb Elgin LCSW-C has found successful ways of applying her training and experience in occupational social work, private practice and working in health care organizations to one of today's employer's most thorny problems: supporting the success of management.

Managers have probably THE most stressful job in your company.  If you've ever held that role, you know you are stressed from below and stressed from above.  Often high performing employees are the ones promoted into management, without understanding whether or not one is ready for such a role.

Barb Elgin educates employers on why they need to appreciate their managers more.  She can also coach managers who just need to tweak their management style to be their best AND she counsels managers who need more foundational work on things like communication style.

Don't leave your management development to chance!  Many of your competitors don't.  Hire Barb Elgin to make your managers and employees happier to come to work.  Happier employees and managers are healthier and produce better results and more for your bottom line too!  

Call 410-967-3848 to get started.