I just finished a session with one of my clients.  We have one more session together and as such, we started to discuss her finishing the program. She is a woman in her early 60's and she's dealing with a lot on her plate.  Like a lot of my clients - active and engaged in their lives women over 50 - she is taking care of a sick spouse, she has young adult children with a myriad of concerns (including a grand child who lives with them), and she is also in the midst of deciding to put the house they've lived in for decades up for sale.  She and husband have decided they are getting older and need to downsize. She gets sad just talking about it.

I asked her what she'd gained from the time she spent in counseling with me.  She responded that most of all...

"I am finding I have more confidence.  In setting boundaries with my kids (she readily admits she's been way too generous with them and now she's having to readjust).  In driving my husband to his treatments.  And each time I succeed I get more hopeful I can do more of the same."

Consider then, how setting aside an hour or so a week to fine tune her abilities in this area are saving her daily time, money and headache? Confidence may seem pretty intangible or small.  But it's not.

She still has issues.  Because she's like most moms and wives she's used to putting herself behind everyone else. She's someone who needs to focus on some of her own medical issues, which she's been 'putting off' - making excuses for - because truly, deep down, she doesn't want to hear any more 'bad news'.

But the counseling is making her more accountable to herself for this and other things.

That's the value in having a therapist or coach on your team.  Time well spent.  Future time - and heartache - saved.

CALL ME HERE: 410-967-3848.  Now, if you get my voice mail, just leave me a message and I will get back to you in 24 business hours and we will set a time later that's convenient to you.  No worries!

Or, even better: want to schedule your free consult now?  Click here to get on my calendar, pronto!

Barb Elgin, LCSW-C has survived and thrived in today's work world for over 40 years.  She brings a unique healing power to her client work, borne of her own hard won challenges and experiences gained throughout those four decades. Ready to experience how adding Barb to your life is of high value?  Ready to know yourself better, so that you can be better in your world?  It's easy peasy - avail yourself of one of her complimentary consults. Click here to set an appointment now, while you're thinking of yourself.